Wednesday, February 22, 2012

My Writing Process

As I'm putting all of this research together in some (hopefully) coherent form, I thought I might describe a little bit of the start of my writing process, and see if the rest of you have any similarities.

First, there's a little bit of this:
Then, a tad bit of this:

But really. I stare at the screen for a while thinking, "How? How can I do this? Why was I so excited about this topic until I had to formally do something about it? Why am I writing about my process instead of finishing my draft?" and so on.

THEN. I start writing the what I think is an introductory explanation. I've learned I should quit trying to write a good intro and just write. The intro usually comes from a different part of my paper I get to later. It's infinitely more interesting.

Then I start writing down phrases that are kind of like headings for different possible sections of the paper. I organize them more logically into fewer groups, put any evidence that immediately comes to mind in small phrases, and go for it. I've learned that a too detailed outline limits my writing and makes it a lot shorter. Instead I just organize my thoughts generally and go. For example:

Okay, not for example. I was going to put some of it up, but I'm not quite that comfortable publishing everything to the world yet.

Anyone else with similar/completely different processes?

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