Thursday, March 1, 2012

Post-Interview Post

I thought the title of this post was pretty good, with the two "posts" and all. Then I did that thing when you look at a word too long and it starts losing its meaning and you think you've spelled it wrong. ANYWAY.

I had my interview with Professor Burton yesterday. I was pretty worried about it because I didn't feel all that ready. I think I spent so much time researching that writing got started up a little late. This led to what I'm sure was a more interesting paper than a well-written one. A couple of things I would change in a revision ASAP:
  1. The intro. It needs to be more interesting and explanation, and well, introductory. We came up with a couple ideas in the interview, one of which involves tricking the audience (always one of my favorites).
  2. The organization. The list form is a better analytical tool than an argumentative tool. So reorganize and condense. My preferred way to do this would be to organize the evidences by progression (least troublesome to most troublesome signs of abuse).
  3. Develop the idea of power plays more, which complicates any static roles of abuser and victim.
  4. Work some Portia and Bassanio in there. She had power taken away from her by her deceased father, then she turns around and starts some power plays with her new husband.

I'm glad we're not done with these papers yet because I'm not ready to be done. This link is to my "final" paper as is:

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